• #7602
im not playing thursays PH anymore folks
someone else will have to take PH money collection on
i'll see you in NCPolo, now Thats Fun
• #7603
Sunday polo 2pm
- graeme
- paul
- graeme
• #7604
Sunday polo 2pm
- graeme
- paul
- yoav (if my ankle aint still fooked)
what happened on Thursday anyway, with the maniac cab driver?
- graeme
• #7605
Sunday polo 2pm
- graeme
- paul
- yoav (if my ankle aint still fooked)
- Chan
- Marek
Come on peeps. I know ste and mirek can't make it this sunday
- graeme
• #7606
Sunday polo 2pm
- graeme
- paul
- yoav (if my ankle aint still fooked)
- Chan
- Marek
- Chris
Come on peeps. I know ste and mirek can't make it this sunday
- graeme
• #7607
im in for Sunday. Why no Thursdays Paul?
• #7608
Sunday polo 2pm
- graeme
- paul
- yoav (if my ankle aint still fooked)
- Chan
- Marek
- Chris
- Woody
- Rob
- graeme
• #7609
Paul cant afford it anymore. his pineapples arent chuckling so he's interning himself to the NCP+Polo Sunday school. this is my new username, wise up!
• #7610
Why Len not J-Lo?
• #7611
Sorry no polo for me today folks, I've been trying to get my bike sorted for like 3 hours, it doesn't wanna work. Will ahve it sorted by Tuesday polo. Sorry we didn't get to have a warm-up game before Greif Chris!
• #7612
you really should have told us earlier if you thought you weren't gonna make it for 2. And paul too, it was embarrassing, Chris came from sheffield basically to play a few 2 on 2 games. Bad times..
• #7613
I didn't know there were so few people out, I would have whacked another wheel on or somethign, Sorry, thought the list was long enough that one less wouldn't matter
• #7614
yeah, paul didn't show up until 4ish...
• #7615
I make it to polo more often than you do, chan. im not appreciative of your text and 2 forum comments, putting me down for missing one.
• #7616
Nice Paul, telling people to fuck off again? You need to grow up a little. I text you to say you should of let us know if you were going to be so late, and I stand by that. If i cant play, i let people know on here. Or if i'm gonna be 2 hours late when i know we've only got a small list, i let someone know. And for the record, you don't make it to polo more than me.
And since you told me to fuck off yet again i'm gonna let rip and tell you what I really think of you. You're a danger to everyone you play with. You've been playing for over 1 year but still haven't got control of your bike or mallet. People constantly tell me they don't feel safe playing with you. You seem to make no attempt to actually improve you game. Instead you make a joke of everything and get stoned and continue to play your stupid aggressive dangerous game. You constantly wind up people on this forum, both here and on the london polo thread. You're telling people to fuck off all over the shop, people who have been playing polo for years mate. None of your post or threads really make any sense.
You make dangerous mallets time and time again after we keep telling you it's not on. You seem to think its funny. Seriously if you don't change I strongly suggest you stop playing polo full stop. I've been dedicated to Manchester polo ever since my first game back in March 2009 and I'm not about to let a fucking cunt like you tell me fuck off on this forum. So wise up or just fuck off completely.
• #7617
why don't you fuck off chan? you're an immature prick who's so concerned with what other people think of you, you think it's ok to slag other people off rather than look at your own failings. paul's done a lot more to try to help mcr polo than i've ever seen you do. dickhead.
• #7618
see you've edited your last post, eh? stilladickhead
• #7619
haha, i knew you'd be in there first. Fuck you yaov, same go's for you
• #7620
what is your problem yoav?
• #7621
why don't you fuck off chan? you're an immature prick who's so concerned with what other people think of you, you think it's ok to slag other people off rather than look at your own failings. paul's done a lot more to try to help mcr polo than i've ever seen you do. dickhead.
really? So i've done nothing for mcr polo? yeah? You're fucking pathetic yoav.
• #7622
my problem is you bein a dick all the time chan. all that shit you put up there and all the snidey little comments you make are totally unnecessary. you think YOU are mcr polo and that the whole scene should revolve around you (see greifmasters thread for numerous examples).
and why the fuck shouldn't paul tell you to fuck off? you're constantly taking the piss out of him, so why's it so wrong for him to do it back to you. your a vain, self involved prick chan. end of. -
• #7623
What shit have i put up there? I was replying to paul, since he told me to fuck off. I don't constantly take the piss out of him i just tell him to make his game play safe and his mallet safe. I don't think I am mcr polo, just saying i've done a lot more for the scene here than both you and paul and will always continue to do so. These kind of things never happened before you and paul showed up. You obviously have a problem with me on a personal level mate, so i suggest you have the balls to say it to my face rather than on here.
• #7624
why don't you say all that to paul face to face? and yes i have got a problem with you chan. see post 7408. i'm sick of your snidey little comments all the time, not just to paul but to me too. just coz we're not as good at polo as you it doesn't mean you have the right to lay into either of us like that. if you really were concerned with MCR polo, you'd be more concerned with trying to improve our game than lettin rip on the forum.
• #7625
fight, fight, fight?
How're times and numbers looking for tomorrow?