Thanks for that Ed, useful info. Just one more thing if you don't mind; I've read on another forum that using different levers can have a significant effect on the braking. I would probably prefer to use a Dirty Harry style lever, over perhaps a more sensible old-school mountain bike lever. Have you any experience of/or info on the effect of using that style of lever with the hub brake?
I think people may have been alluding to leverage, I have a late 80s MTB with SA drum brakes, and I am using some smaller two finger levers as I prefer the shape but the bike came with, and I initially ran, some quite long levers. The brakes felt better with the long levers to be honest, dont know how it will work with a dirty harry, certainly the modulation will suffer.
I think people may have been alluding to leverage, I have a late 80s MTB with SA drum brakes, and I am using some smaller two finger levers as I prefer the shape but the bike came with, and I initially ran, some quite long levers. The brakes felt better with the long levers to be honest, dont know how it will work with a dirty harry, certainly the modulation will suffer.