I've got this track bike which came with a converted road hub, i.e redished and spaced to 120mm, I have been told that that works on the track. However, I intend to use it on the street and therefore, suicide is not the way to go.
Would it be worth the hassle to convert the rear wheel back to a road wheel?
How would I go ahead and do it?
What would it be worth if I sold it?
Mavic Mach 2 CD2-rims with 32H lowflange campagnolo hubs (athena?) with barely used Vredestein Fortezza Pro, the spokes has SAP writing on them, which I guess stands for Sapim?
I've got this track bike which came with a converted road hub, i.e redished and spaced to 120mm, I have been told that that works on the track. However, I intend to use it on the street and therefore, suicide is not the way to go.
Would it be worth the hassle to convert the rear wheel back to a road wheel?
How would I go ahead and do it?
What would it be worth if I sold it?
Mavic Mach 2 CD2-rims with 32H lowflange campagnolo hubs (athena?) with barely used Vredestein Fortezza Pro, the spokes has SAP writing on them, which I guess stands for Sapim?
Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41284201@N05/sets/72157625782095282/