pfff - the running about, doing a few push ups and working up a sweat is the easy part - the real fun starts when you come to the realisation that the next two years of your life are dictated by the base whims of some mouthbreathing, barely literate, double-y-chromo pituitary case who left school at 16 who's idea of a good time is watching you vomit up a helmet full of bilharzia ridden water while he kicks you in the solar plexus. the sharing cold shower with 300 strangers in the middle of a field for six months is fun too!
pfff - the running about, doing a few push ups and working up a sweat is the easy part - the real fun starts when you come to the realisation that the next two years of your life are dictated by the base whims of some mouthbreathing, barely literate, double-y-chromo pituitary case who left school at 16 who's idea of a good time is watching you vomit up a helmet full of bilharzia ridden water while he kicks you in the solar plexus. the sharing cold shower with 300 strangers in the middle of a field for six months is fun too!
/the army - don't do it kids!