As previously mentioned, potential poster design subject to changes suggested by Bogatronic (i.e – Registration has to be made by Email) That's on Facebook, don't want to spoil a big reveal. Happy to do alternative formats – flyers, postcards, stickers, spoke cards, badges and whatever. If you guys are happy with the design, let me know what mail address to send it to and I'll send it in whatever resolution you need. Can get quotes for any printing that needs doing and can probably blag a certain amount too. Happy to put the feelers out for potential sponsorship / prize donations too?
As previously mentioned, potential poster design subject to changes suggested by Bogatronic (i.e – Registration has to be made by Email) That's on Facebook, don't want to spoil a big reveal. Happy to do alternative formats – flyers, postcards, stickers, spoke cards, badges and whatever. If you guys are happy with the design, let me know what mail address to send it to and I'll send it in whatever resolution you need. Can get quotes for any printing that needs doing and can probably blag a certain amount too. Happy to put the feelers out for potential sponsorship / prize donations too?