Interesting. I'm a recovering chef you see and have never made a stock which contained offal. Consent was it'd be bitter and murky were they included, although that's not something I've questioned - I've just stuck with it.
So with your fish stock - do you give it a long slow simmer like with meat stock? Again, the trade would say no, fish should be given no longer than 30 minutes with the bones in, as beyond that they spoil and affect the purity of both the flavour/clarity of the finished stock.
Interesting. I'm a recovering chef you see and have never made a stock which contained offal. Consent was it'd be bitter and murky were they included, although that's not something I've questioned - I've just stuck with it.
So with your fish stock - do you give it a long slow simmer like with meat stock? Again, the trade would say no, fish should be given no longer than 30 minutes with the bones in, as beyond that they spoil and affect the purity of both the flavour/clarity of the finished stock.