• wiki:

    Lovin those cockney pics.

    That's a fair round up of the facts... Although not all Cockneys are Pearlies, and not all Pearlies are Cockneys... They do illustrate a point nicely.

    There are many different explanations for the term 'Cockney', some say it was invented on the farms of Essex and other countryside areas outlying London.
    A 'Ney' Cock was the name for a lame cockerel, and because Londeners were commonly under nourished they were called Cock-Neys.

    Peter Ackroyd, author of the excellent 'London: a biography', gives the more simple explanation of the name being derived from the statue of a cockerel that stands atop of the spire of St Mary-le-bow (see top of picture).

    I have heard a few others also...
