About Infinitink, the tattoo is permanent, but the delivery system is novel.
Instead of dying the layer just inside th dermis, relatively superficial and non immuno-reactive, it delivers a set of polymer beads encapsulating biologically degradable dyes. These beads canbe popped by a lower powered laser than the traditional ink, and the products are attacked by the immune system and degraded.
It is in the same layer as that layer allows permanence.
About Infinitink, the tattoo is permanent, but the delivery system is novel.
Instead of dying the layer just inside th dermis, relatively superficial and non immuno-reactive, it delivers a set of polymer beads encapsulating biologically degradable dyes. These beads canbe popped by a lower powered laser than the traditional ink, and the products are attacked by the immune system and degraded.
It is in the same layer as that layer allows permanence.