Red hand and some celtic looking text around it, if I seen someone with this tattooed on them, or even on their t shirt, I'd be giving them a wide berth.
Should I?
Probably not.
Do I know any better or care to learn?
Not my original point. I was originally replying to the poster who suggested that you shouldn't 'flash about' a tattoo depicting a red hand in Northern Ireland. I'm suggesting that the people of Northern Ireland, amongst whom I number myself, recognise badges for what they represent. This has nothing to do with what other people think.
Not my original point. I was originally replying to the poster who suggested that you shouldn't 'flash about' a tattoo depicting a red hand in Northern Ireland. I'm suggesting that the people of Northern Ireland, amongst whom I number myself, recognise badges for what they represent. This has nothing to do with what other people think.