I bought bike last night in Dalston from pikey, it's charge mixer. He was selling it for 60 quid and it's obviously stolen. I bought it in hope it can find it's owner again.
So if its you or you know someone who got their bike stolen yesterday or previous day, hit me up: 07894986667
I'm not asking for any reward or anything but you'd obviously have to pay me those 60 pounds back and give me a good description of said bike.
Hey guys,
I bought bike last night in Dalston from pikey, it's charge mixer. He was selling it for 60 quid and it's obviously stolen. I bought it in hope it can find it's owner again.
So if its you or you know someone who got their bike stolen yesterday or previous day, hit me up: 07894986667
I'm not asking for any reward or anything but you'd obviously have to pay me those 60 pounds back and give me a good description of said bike.