1 - scooter went into an alarming wobble when he realise I was on the middle of the bus lane and squeeze through the gap between me and the slow moving traffic on the right, but managed to take control of his vehicle (it's near Clapham North tube heading East down the slope).
2 - a near fatal collision between a motorcyclist and peds at the junction outside Kennington tube station heading West, the peds did not see the motorcyclists behind me, attempt to cross the road (despite red man), only to get buzzed by a motorcyclists who just overtook me and nearly hit the peds (traffic were very slow).
The majority of time were merely very close overtaking in heavy traffic despite taking the central of the lane, and small close call, but that's about it.
Ed, I almost knocked you and your girlfriend down with my motorbike last year when you both jumped a red at Russell Square. I wasn't in a bus lane though.
Ed, I almost knocked you and your girlfriend down with my motorbike last year when you both jumped a red at Russell Square. I wasn't in a bus lane though.