OK this one first. The A13 data was removed on the grounds that intense roadworks changed the conditions. The motorcycle casualties increased on this route during that trial. LCC objected to the removal of this data because the increased congestion gave good evidence of what would happen on all bus lanes at the high congestion points. BQ is wrong about the location. The trial was on the section from Cotton st to Aldgate, not on the six lane section where there is a segregated cycle path. It was not on any section which is now the cycle super highway.
Thanks for correcting me. You see how difficult it is to separate reported fact from reported propaganda and why I'm not getting off the fence just yet. I'd suggest however that it is well known that roadworks result in an increase in accidents, especially for two-wheeled road users, and the increase in motorcycle casualties may well correlate with other data on roadworks.
As it happens I rode this very section, in the bus lane, with about 6 or 7 other bikers (as in at the same time as, not 'with' them, on tuesday night. Nobody broke any speed limits, everyone was observant and alert at junctions and gaps in the traffic, everyone gave cyclists plenty of room and consideration. To be fair I did find this remarkable and novel, but I think maybe the safety message is actually getting through. You're only safer if you ride sensibly.
Thanks for correcting me. You see how difficult it is to separate reported fact from reported propaganda and why I'm not getting off the fence just yet. I'd suggest however that it is well known that roadworks result in an increase in accidents, especially for two-wheeled road users, and the increase in motorcycle casualties may well correlate with other data on roadworks.
As it happens I rode this very section, in the bus lane, with about 6 or 7 other bikers (as in at the same time as, not 'with' them, on tuesday night. Nobody broke any speed limits, everyone was observant and alert at junctions and gaps in the traffic, everyone gave cyclists plenty of room and consideration. To be fair I did find this remarkable and novel, but I think maybe the safety message is actually getting through. You're only safer if you ride sensibly.