A Strengthening sequence for mornings with a group.
This is a progressive sequence that starts on the floor, moves to low lunges interspersed with a vinyasa appropriate to individual ability. Then moves to some standing postures at the end, with short finishing relaxation.
First 20 mins. Warming up, accessing the breath, moving into 5 reps of each variation with the breath, something like:-
Start in
Supta padangustasana- alternate knees to chest/ alternate leg pulls/ alternate leg to side.
Spinal rolling, both directions.
Urdhva Prasarita Padasana(Leg cycling)
Then demonstrate 2 vinyasas, Dynamic:-
. Dynamic Down dog.
. Chaturanga dandasana
. Up dog.
. Down dog.
Or easier version:-
. Down dog.
hands and knees on floor.
.Cat with dropped tummy.
.Down dog.
Again very linked to
1.In, Out, In, Out breath with each movement.
The middle of session about 20 mins, establishing the flow which should be well underway now,
6.Lunge, clasping hands behind back.
7.Uttitha parsvakonanasana
8.Baddha parsvakonanasana
10.Twisting lunge.
11.Revolved twisting lunge
If the group is very able, some of the above postures can be extended into other versions.
Then after last vinyasa come up into following for deep single postures about 20 min:-
Warrior 3
Drop to
Warrior 2
Move into
Uttitha Trikonasana.
16.Reverse Triangle.
Back to centre.
A Strengthening sequence for mornings with a group.
This is a progressive sequence that starts on the floor, moves to low lunges interspersed with a vinyasa appropriate to individual ability. Then moves to some standing postures at the end, with short finishing relaxation.
First 20 mins. Warming up, accessing the breath, moving into 5 reps of each variation with the breath, something like:-
Start in
Then demonstrate 2 vinyasas, Dynamic:-
. Dynamic Down dog.
. Chaturanga dandasana
. Up dog.
. Down dog.
Or easier version:-
. Down dog.
hands and knees on floor.
.Cat with dropped tummy.
.Down dog.
Again very linked to
1.In, Out, In, Out breath with each movement.
The middle of session about 20 mins, establishing the flow which should be well underway now,
6.Lunge, clasping hands behind back.
7.Uttitha parsvakonanasana
8.Baddha parsvakonanasana
10.Twisting lunge.
11.Revolved twisting lunge
If the group is very able, some of the above postures can be extended into other versions.
Then after last vinyasa come up into following for deep single postures about 20 min:-
Drop to
Move into
16.Reverse Triangle.
Back to centre.
Relaxation time as appropriate to the class.