My Great-Uncle is Godfather to one of Paul McCartney's kids. He worked as an engineer on most Beatles recordings at Abbey Road and still works on McCartney's solo stuff. He is good friends with him and Ringo (and previously George Harrison too- I was taught to play drums (badly) by his son who was in turn taught by George Harrison)
I've had my picture on front pages of local newspapers in the UK and USA.
My dad was a local politician for many years and was mayor of our town twice, but his greatest accomplishment was being told to jump in the ocean in The Sun's "The Sun Says" editorial column sometime in 1982. He has it framed at home.
I edited a popular fanzine for a (then) league football club and donated a substantial amount of money to said team to help prevent them from going out of business. I've been threatened with expulsion from many football grounds for flogging my illicit wares, the crowning glory being the Millennium Stadium.
Have met and DJ-ed for any number of middling indie bands, none of any note.
Geoff Emerick?!? :O
totally in awe