So to summarise, a few selected bikes, plus anything dmczone has ever built? :-)
That'll work. With an appendix entitled 'The evolution of Kincutter, a journey through current projects'
It might even be built this weekend...
(Let's hope I don't anti it.)
It'd get my vote, either way.
If we're posting our own bikes then I reckon my Casati should be in. :P
Love this.
I'll never build a pornworthy bike, bikes in my size just are'nt porn. The BMC looks well proportioned, but thats because I have'nt fitted tyress yet ;S
That'll work. With an appendix entitled 'The evolution of Kincutter, a journey through current projects'
It'd get my vote, either way.
Love this.
I'll never build a pornworthy bike, bikes in my size just are'nt porn. The BMC looks well proportioned, but thats because I have'nt fitted tyress yet ;S