Surely Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie and all those guys were rapping? All the songs with 'Talking' in the titles...
And what about Icelandic folk stories? They were banned from singing by their Danish oppressors hundreds of years ago, so they 'rapped' their folk stories over music... that's why Bjork has a talky way of singing, from their folk style.
Joe this^ is fucking AWESOME! Wow.
Surely Leadbelly, Woody Guthrie and all those guys were rapping? All the songs with 'Talking' in the titles...
And what about Icelandic folk stories? They were banned from singing by their Danish oppressors hundreds of years ago, so they 'rapped' their folk stories over music... that's why Bjork has a talky way of singing, from their folk style.
Just sayin'.