• Cinelli 1A & XA Stems - 80mm & 90mm

    1. Cinelli XA Stems - 80mm - SOLD
    (Good condition - few scratches - old oval logo)

    2. Cinelli 1A Stems - 80mm - £25
    (reasonable condition - has the rare oval logo - few scratches)

    3. Cinelli 1A Stems - 90mm - £20
    (reasonable condition - few scratches)

    4. Cinelli 1A Stems - 90mm - SOLD
    (very good condition - few scratches - old oval logo)

    If you are at all interested in any of the above stems, please dib with consideration to other members followed by a PM. Can also post at extra cost. Cheers c_c

    4 Attachments

    • DSCN7154.JPG
    • DSCN7152.JPG
    • DSCN7147.JPG
    • DSCN7150.JPG