An idiot is going to drive like an idiot irrespective of the limit- what is needed is for everyone to drive to the conditions, which means better education and much sterner penalties- which would be political suicide so will take longer than the petrol engined car has left to introduce.
Haha! True. The reports I read might well have been compiled by councils determined to vindicate whatever weird scheme they've invented, rather than any useful facts.
It pisses me off no end that I have to put up with all the sodding speed bumps, as my 40 year leaf-sprung car is not the most comfortable over such things, just because a tiny minority of drivers can't be trusted. As you say, better education and much sterner penalties are needed.
Haha! True. The reports I read might well have been compiled by councils determined to vindicate whatever weird scheme they've invented, rather than any useful facts.
It pisses me off no end that I have to put up with all the sodding speed bumps, as my 40 year leaf-sprung car is not the most comfortable over such things, just because a tiny minority of drivers can't be trusted. As you say, better education and much sterner penalties are needed.