I've only had the chance to use it a couple of times so far. Its been fine, its basically much the same as the 400D just with a bigger LCD, more pixels and video. The button and menu layouts are a bit more intuitive, but nothing revalatory. I don't think I'll take better photos because of it. I took a load of video on the 550D at a race yesterday, but the file sizes that it kicks out are huge, so I've not figured out a sensible way of editing them yet without giving my macbook a heart attack, so can't comment on that yet.
I've only had the chance to use it a couple of times so far. Its been fine, its basically much the same as the 400D just with a bigger LCD, more pixels and video. The button and menu layouts are a bit more intuitive, but nothing revalatory. I don't think I'll take better photos because of it. I took a load of video on the 550D at a race yesterday, but the file sizes that it kicks out are huge, so I've not figured out a sensible way of editing them yet without giving my macbook a heart attack, so can't comment on that yet.