If you are having difficulty in forking out £48 in one go, could I suggest that you try and put aside 12p each day for the next year and then splash out at the beginning of 2012.
There must be something that you can economise on that would allow you to save 12p a day.
Sorry wasn't meant in realation to me. Just pointing out that the initialy costs could seem prohibative to some.
Personally if i'm not on my own bike i have to get a train into Charing cross and am quiet happy to stroll around town, especially within zone one, a good walk reminds me how many pubs i haven't been in! There's only been a few times when I thought it would have been handy to use the boris bike
Sorry wasn't meant in realation to me. Just pointing out that the initialy costs could seem prohibative to some.
Personally if i'm not on my own bike i have to get a train into Charing cross and am quiet happy to stroll around town, especially within zone one, a good walk reminds me how many pubs i haven't been in! There's only been a few times when I thought it would have been handy to use the boris bike