I took a bunch of stuff off my new bike tonight in preparation of building it back up as an mix-up of my old bike and new bike, anyways... I have an unused Surly 19T track cog and lockring ,and as it's a relatively low gear it might be useful for someone here.
I'll have +/- a whole bike for sale next week, I'll post that on the Trades and Sales though, this is just a heads up in advance for BHX polo people...
Anyone still riding fixed polo here?
I took a bunch of stuff off my new bike tonight in preparation of building it back up as an mix-up of my old bike and new bike, anyways... I have an unused Surly 19T track cog and lockring ,and as it's a relatively low gear it might be useful for someone here.
I'll have +/- a whole bike for sale next week, I'll post that on the Trades and Sales though, this is just a heads up in advance for BHX polo people...