Im pretty sure you can improve with good interval training, just a half hour fucking hard session with short recovery between efforts . Races never last much longer than this. Probably dont need to put in hours of base miles.
But in order to get the best out of "good interval training" you need a decent aerobic base.
That's why it's often called a "base" because you build the other training on top of it.
The amount of aerobic endurance work (usually taking the form of easy road miles) will vary depending on the rider and their chosen goals, but even sprinters who do no obvious aerobic racing need to have an aerobic base.
But in order to get the best out of "good interval training" you need a decent aerobic base.
That's why it's often called a "base" because you build the other training on top of it.
The amount of aerobic endurance work (usually taking the form of easy road miles) will vary depending on the rider and their chosen goals, but even sprinters who do no obvious aerobic racing need to have an aerobic base.