• #377
links speak here Joe
• #379
links speak here Joe
• #380
I have an Amoeba stem (which i think used to belong to spoons once upon a time) thats pretty similar to that azonic, I definitely like the rise
i thought I recognised that stem on your bike.
I need it back now.
• #381
Sorry, its my wife now
• #382
you've changed since you joined the Big Bush Bears
• #383
I blame the Hosers.
• #384
Ok, so looks like we're going to have 48 hole Sputniks available again if everything works out. Silver and black, machined or unmachined, hoping for £20 delivered per rim, woop.
Jono, did you ever hear anything more about this?
• #385
I'll chase them now, it got exciting for a while then went all quiet.
• #386
Christmas stalled things a little, but they're back on it. The 48h rims were discontinued over a year ago, but we'll be getting special runs made indefinitely by Rigida as long as the price is right for us (black, silver, machined and unmachined, gonna go with just silver machined initially).
Tomorrow they'll work out the final price (looking to be between £20 and £25 per rim at the moment), they would normally be a delivery charge too, but they'll waive that if the LHBPA order ~20 rims or so each time and distribute to players, etc. The price goes down if we order more and if the other cities/scenes in Europe get involved too, I'll be passing on details to the Euro lot once it's nailed down for London.
The first batch won't be ready for at least 4-6 weeks once we give the go ahead, so if you're in need of rims now then you may have to sort something out in the meantime. They're pushing to get the green light by the end of next week... although I'd rather wait until after the next LHBPA meeting (17th) so everyone can have some input and agree to things, etc.
• #387
Well done Jono, you're really getting some stuff done with LHPBA buying power
Just trying to be helpful, they're very cheap...