• #627
Something very nice about watching someone build a bike, I think.
• #628
Agreed, thoroughly enjoyed that
• #629
makes me want to take my bike apart for a good clean.
• #630
Ideas for the board next time somone calls you trying to sell you crap.
- The Greatest Prank Call Ever - (Im not joking)[/ame] -
• #632
That's really cool. Makes me want to go and work on a big boat.
• #634
May be a repost--Glasgow Canal Keirin. It's hard to search for videos, as they're often posted without any comments. I'm sure this will already have been on Glasgow FGSS, obviously.
• #636
For those of you struggling to choose between a Canon 7D or a Barbie cam...
Canon 7D vs. Barbie Video Girl on Vimeo
Hot shoe, hot shoes. Great.
• #638
video test i did using windows movie maker and compact camera.
• #639
video test i did using windows movie maker and compact camera.
Poor effort
• #642
great vid. was shot on mons en pévèle sector, walked past the HMI lights and wondered why they needed extra light on such a sunny day, i guess it was shot on a phantom high speed camera.
• #643
More of the same 'hipstery' thing, though the novelty in my hometown (new era)
• #645
Repost from the epic fail thread, but never mind:
Now that's what I call a "face plant"! lololol!
• #646
Hope not a repo.
• #648
My mate Stefan in Berlin is starting his own bike company: 8bar Bikes, he's developing a range of aluminium track / urban fixie bikes.
I thought some of you might enjoy this promo-video of his prototype test run at the Tour d'Energie in Göttinger: "Eating Roadies for Breakfast on a Single Speed with Risers". To be fair he's a closet roadie himself and a strong one at that, tears me a new one whenever I ride with him.
• #650
I'm trying to work out if they are riding SS or not...
I keep getting distracted by the NSFW!
Found this nice video whilst searching for a bike frame in Poland.
I will do my best at a translation, as I need the practice. Sorry If I miss out anything important. If anybody knows Polish better then please correct me!
Ostre koło / fixed gear on Vimeo
The whole bike, a simple form.
Fork, chain, chainring, pedals, bottom bracket, handlebars, frame, wheel, seat and tools.
The bicycle is an ideal form of transport. Really, there is no ideal description of someone who rides a fixed gear, or someone who rides a bike at all?(Not sure if this is right and how to translate)
It is just a form of transport and fixed is the ideal form. Fixed gear is a form of freedom because it is so simple and if the individual is aware of the bike it is easy to control.
You have to remember to properly grease the parts so that everything works as it should, and if you do that it will ride itself.
The wheels are just the same as on a road bike with the exception of the hub, which is different - a track hub onto which a threaded sprocket is fitted with a oppositely threaded lockring to hold it in place.
Really the most important part of the bicycle is the chain and you have to remember to keep it in good condition.
The sprocket at the rear and the chainring at the front are wider.
It is also necessary to use a chain like a bmx, which helps the parts last longer.
The dropouts on a fixed gear are also different from a road bikes. They are narrower for the reason that the hub is narrower because space is not required for a cassette(?)
Toeclips are important, because of these the cyclist and bike become one.
When you ride a fixed gear it is necessary to think about how you are going to get from place to place and not think about braking. Only think about how to conquer obstacles, how to overtake, how to use the spaces between cars and when to (yikes) go onto the pavement so as to not need to stop and sit in traffic with the cars.
On a fixed gear you should think about how to slow and speed up and not how to stop.