Oh, I thought I was so clever. Did my tax return a bit early, as is not at the last possible moment.
Then I realised that instead of paying X I was actually receiving a rebate for overpaying X. Guess it was such an alien possibility that I didn't consider or notice - just saw a figure and paid it.
Then I noticed that exact same amount arrive IN my account. So I paid X, same week received X.
Guess I should be happy, but I'm just annoyed that I have to sort it all out now and try and get the money back.
Oh, I thought I was so clever. Did my tax return a bit early, as is not at the last possible moment.
Then I realised that instead of paying X I was actually receiving a rebate for overpaying X. Guess it was such an alien possibility that I didn't consider or notice - just saw a figure and paid it.
Then I noticed that exact same amount arrive IN my account. So I paid X, same week received X.
Guess I should be happy, but I'm just annoyed that I have to sort it all out now and try and get the money back.