• #11527
this must be a repost from somewhere, but the beyonce version made me want to put it in here.
• #11528
I don't play Polo...
There are still nice folk out there that haven't been converted to the one true sport.
• #11529
Unfortunately this is true. When will the rest of you learn?!
• #11530
This tries to make it sound like death in war (aka martyrdom) = automatic hero.
Some may say that was ironic.I did christmas 2007 in FOB Edinburgh just outside Musa Qala, it was freezing, and we filled sandbags on Christmas day. Most people there are just ordinary blokes, the whole "heroes" thing pisses everyone off. there are some true fucking heroes out there, but to say that eveyone in Afghan is a hero is to demean the brand. There are an awful lot of fat loggie cunts sitting on their arses eating pizza every night in Camp Bastion and who come home wearing the same fucking medal as people who actually got out into the ulu and did stuff.
Swift and Bold.
Merry Fucking Christmas.
• #11531
I did christmas 2007 in FOB Edinburgh just outside Musa Qala, it was freezing, and we filled sandbags on Christmas day. Most people there are just ordinary blokes, the whole "heroes" thing pisses everyone off. there are some true fucking heroes out there, but to say that eveyone in Afghan is a hero is to demean the brand. There are an awful lot of fat loggie cunts sitting on their arses eating pizza every night in Camp Bastion and who come home wearing the same fucking medal as people who actually got out into the ulu and did stuff.
Swift and Bold.
Merry Fucking Christmas.
Pizza every night you say?
• #11532
Camp Bastion has a Pizza Hut.
• #11533
Do the Pizza Hut employees get medals?
• #11534
I think I'm being a bit too flippant. Good post about Afganistan. It's good to hear from the people who have actually served.
• #11535
The pizza hut employees are all civvies, and I presume they are fairly well paid for their trouble. Camp Bastion is safe as fuck though, there's thousands of soldiers living there and a squadron of Apache gunships.
• #11536
Double dream hands though, I'm all over that shit.
• #11537
• #11538
Award the George Cross to all our Pizza Hut heroes. (Only the Brit ones of course.)
• #11539
waiting for shitstorm to commence
ummmm yeah fuck you, not that I would ever die for my mild convenances, but I'm glad people are stupid enough to and unless your ready to pick up the AK and hold out for your existence of ease and privilege you should be too.
• #11540
• #11541
ummmm yeah fuck you, not that I would ever die for my mild convenances, but I'm glad people are stupid enough to and unless your ready to pick up the AK and hold out for your existence of ease and privilege you should be too.
oh, wait..
• #11542
• #11543
• #11544
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• #11545
late to the party.
• #11546
• #11547
I don't play Polo...
There are still nice folk out there that haven't been converted to the one true sport.
^^^^Right there
• #11548
• #11550
Not really a meme, but...
1 Attachment
True! But I posted on the bike polo forum?..... Damnit.