OK so I've been meaning to take a wheel off my tourer to have a look at it, cos there seemed to be some play in the axle-hub assembly - assumed the cones needed adjusting. Eventually, tonight after riding with digger from LMNH, with some 7" records in one pannier and other heavy shit in the other, during which there were funny tyre-mudguard noises going on.... I get home. I pour myself a glass of a half decent armagnac. And the wheel comes off. First time in ages. The sodding axle is sheared off, since God Know When. Possibly been like that for AGES.
How embarrassing. So I thought I'd come clean here, rather late in the evening:
I am a fucking mechanical disaster area. The sooner I realise this the better. WhoamItryingtokid?!
OK so I've been meaning to take a wheel off my tourer to have a look at it, cos there seemed to be some play in the axle-hub assembly - assumed the cones needed adjusting. Eventually, tonight after riding with digger from LMNH, with some 7" records in one pannier and other heavy shit in the other, during which there were funny tyre-mudguard noises going on.... I get home. I pour myself a glass of a half decent armagnac. And the wheel comes off. First time in ages. The sodding axle is sheared off, since God Know When. Possibly been like that for AGES.
How embarrassing. So I thought I'd come clean here, rather late in the evening:
I am a fucking mechanical disaster area. The sooner I realise this the better. WhoamItryingtokid?!