I think its all under control for now anyway - well I can forget about it for a bit. Xmas next week, a couple of weeks of Jan, then in Feb I'm running away for a bit. Asked the boss for a month off leave w/o pay yesterday and he said yep..... actually I think he thinks I'm clinically depressed and he's worried I'm going to leave for good, so basically I can have as much time off as I want. I'm thinking of lying in a beach in india for 4 weeks, then heading home for a couple. Maybe by then he'll have thought up a project for me to work on? If not I can always quit.
I think its all under control for now anyway - well I can forget about it for a bit. Xmas next week, a couple of weeks of Jan, then in Feb I'm running away for a bit. Asked the boss for a month off leave w/o pay yesterday and he said yep..... actually I think he thinks I'm clinically depressed and he's worried I'm going to leave for good, so basically I can have as much time off as I want. I'm thinking of lying in a beach in india for 4 weeks, then heading home for a couple. Maybe by then he'll have thought up a project for me to work on? If not I can always quit.