Does your German military uniform fetishism surface only after sniffing glue?
yes [ ]
no [ ]
(Sorry about that.)
I've heard that Santa is going to bring my 7-year old one of these:
The kids already have a few of these:
My mother brought from India some street entrepreneur made model bikes. They were bent in situ from soft metal resembling soldering wire in bling colors. They are quite cool and anti-porn. Have to find them and take photos.
Does your German military uniform fetishism surface only after sniffing glue?
yes [ ]
no [ ]
(Sorry about that.)
I've heard that Santa is going to bring my 7-year old one of these:
The kids already have a few of these:
My mother brought from India some street entrepreneur made model bikes. They were bent in situ from soft metal resembling soldering wire in bling colors. They are quite cool and anti-porn. Have to find them and take photos.