Still waiting on my BMC racemaster frameset, which means customs have it, which means my wallet is going to the pain cave.
I've found a nice yellow SLR on offer, ordered a stem, and have wheels waiting. I'll pick up some Easton ec90 slx bars after crimbo. Just need to save for a Chorus 11spd groupset. Should look like this (minus EDGE decals on wheel, and probs yellow lizardskin tape)
Still waiting on my BMC racemaster frameset, which means customs have it, which means my wallet is going to the pain cave.
I've found a nice yellow SLR on offer, ordered a stem, and have wheels waiting. I'll pick up some Easton ec90 slx bars after crimbo. Just need to save for a Chorus 11spd groupset. Should look like this (minus EDGE decals on wheel, and probs yellow lizardskin tape)
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