• What's pissing me off is the failure of schools to encourage kids in years <11 to get out and protest, cos we're the people who're gonna be feeling the full blow of uni cuts/no EMA/tuition fees. I'm in Year 11, and me and my mates had to run out the front gate away from teachers to get to one of the protests (got a letter discouraging attending the protests before and after) but there was only about 10 of us in total, with everyone else who planned on going getting caught by teachers before they could get anywhere. Current uni students and even those in 6th form are unlikely to be hit too hard by the tuition fee hike, yet they make up the vast majority of the protests - and i'm not saying they shouldn't be there, but where are the thousands of kids planning to go to uni in a few years time?

    Kudos for going.
