• I've done a bit of Googling and I haven't come across too many bike model construction kits like Airfix ones. We've obviously had the excellent Airfix T-shirt and I was thinking I'd quite like to do a bike model kit sometime. Searching for 'bicycle' or 'bike' on the Airfix or Revell web-sites doesn't bring up anything (except a couple of motorbike kits).

    There's this from Tamiya, which is dire:

    (Predictable jokes to the usual address, please.)

    There's a thread on the CTC forum with a couple of links:


    robgul on the CTC forum[/URL]]I have the definitive answer NO.

    My next door neighbour has a toy and model shop (PLUG : Much Ado About Toys in Stratford-upon-Avon) and I asked him the question about "bicycle construction kits" - there are none, he says. There are a few models with bikes ... he gave me a TdeF team car with bikes on the top.

    I did find this:


    And this:

    I just don't want to have a kit of really ugly bikes. :)

    There were some Raleigh kits around in the 80s (as mentioned on the CTC thread):

    That would be the sort of bike kit I'd like to assemble, but it's obviously not being made any more, and I don't really want a collector's item off eBay.

    So, it doesn't look too good. Model kits mainly seem to cater for an obsession with cars, tanks, warplanes, warships, or motorbikes. Why are pedal cycles as kits not more popular? Are they too wispy, insubstantial, not aggressive enough? Is it because they don't stand up easily? Because they're too fiddly, with lots of very small bits?

    Why is there evidently so little demand? Is it excessive to suggest that if cycling was more popular, more kids would want to do model kits of bikes?

    Can anyone find any more links?

    And if any modelmakers find this thread when Googling, please make more bicycle models. :)
