Occaisionally, in the city, the police actually have an HGV stopped and ask passing cyclists, if they have the time to spare, to actually get into the cab and see what the driver sees. Which in regard to cyclists is fuck all.
I admire your intentions but some things are best learnt the hard way for people who don't want to listen or don't have any common sense.
It would cost to do that and who would pay for it? Even better, who would read it?
TFL run campaigns anyway specifically for it, have a peep at Moving Target for the thread there.
edit, here: http://www.movingtargetzine.com/forum/discussion/2086/dont-be-an-undertaker/#Item_0
Occaisionally, in the city, the police actually have an HGV stopped and ask passing cyclists, if they have the time to spare, to actually get into the cab and see what the driver sees. Which in regard to cyclists is fuck all.
I admire your intentions but some things are best learnt the hard way for people who don't want to listen or don't have any common sense.
Personally, I say fuck 'em. Darwinism innit?