What are folks thoughts on trainers offering bikeability theory sessions?
I've been sent a cycle training course schedule - for adults, some of whom will be regular riders anyway - in which time is split as 70% theory / bike assessment followed by 30% on road training at a later date.
I was going to send some feedback on it questioning the amount of time spent on theory and suggest riding time is upped in place of this, but then thought to check with the experts first. Any thoughts?
What are folks thoughts on trainers offering bikeability theory sessions?
I've been sent a cycle training course schedule - for adults, some of whom will be regular riders anyway - in which time is split as 70% theory / bike assessment followed by 30% on road training at a later date.
I was going to send some feedback on it questioning the amount of time spent on theory and suggest riding time is upped in place of this, but then thought to check with the experts first. Any thoughts?