Right folks, thinking about building up a 3 leading 3 trailing wheel for my rear wheel which uses a coaster brake. I've heard some people say that patterns like this wouldn't be suitable for disc brakes. Obviously the same would apply to hub/coaster brakes as they all rely on the spokes to carry the braking force. Although to me it would seem that 3 leading 3 trailing (assuming the spokes are crossed) should be just as strong as a 3x.
I cant see why this would be any different to 3x. The forces are theoretically more focused on certain areas of the rims. But I cant see this having a real world effect.
Why would you use 2x all heads out on the drive side?
If its a dished wheel, then heads in would lessen this, plus it adds a little to the bracing angle. Although alternating probably puts the least stress on the spokes.
I cant see why this would be any different to 3x. The forces are theoretically more focused on certain areas of the rims. But I cant see this having a real world effect.
Why would you use 2x all heads out on the drive side?
If its a dished wheel, then heads in would lessen this, plus it adds a little to the bracing angle. Although alternating probably puts the least stress on the spokes.