"The guy had to jump off onto the pavement otherwise the rear end of the bus would have swiped him. If you look carefully at the state of the pavement next to the railings you can see that the rear axles of HGVs and PSVs often mount the pavement there making an escape more difficult than people imagine."
If he had been taking the lane through the junction would he have needed to do that?I know that E&C can get your bottle going on occasion, but just taking the space of one vehicle should get you through safely. Its when there are speedy drivers pressuring that it feels hairy.
"The guy had to jump off onto the pavement otherwise the rear end of the bus would have swiped him. If you look carefully at the state of the pavement next to the railings you can see that the rear axles of HGVs and PSVs often mount the pavement there making an escape more difficult than people imagine."
If he had been taking the lane through the junction would he have needed to do that?I know that E&C can get your bottle going on occasion, but just taking the space of one vehicle should get you through safely. Its when there are speedy drivers pressuring that it feels hairy.