Are the small wheels not skittish in the snow? I realise you have spiked tyres, but still...
Smaller wheels are always more skittish - even in the summer you need to take care not to pull quick manoeuvres while your front wheel is on drain covers etc. But I imagine that riding on snow would be a bigger factor in how skittish it feels compared to other bikes than the wheel size would be. I'm so used to it now that I'm even finding that it feels a bit like a sit-up-and-beg compared to the AM2 I've been riding around all summer, which has 17" wheels.
Smaller wheels are always more skittish - even in the summer you need to take care not to pull quick manoeuvres while your front wheel is on drain covers etc. But I imagine that riding on snow would be a bigger factor in how skittish it feels compared to other bikes than the wheel size would be. I'm so used to it now that I'm even finding that it feels a bit like a sit-up-and-beg compared to the AM2 I've been riding around all summer, which has 17" wheels.