"I'm guessing 'ujjayi pranayama' does not refer to one those contortionist postures in the Kino McGregor video?!"
this is one foundation breathing exercise, that once mastered infuses all the movements.
Yup, I know it now that I've worked out that that is how you spell it! Not sure about mastered but we have been doing it at the YFC course. I can manage it when I'm thinking about it which generally means not when trying to do something else complicated like not fall over.
where have you all gone Yoga people?
Well, I'm still here. Apparently Ms Bogue is reading the forum too. She is just insanely busy by the sounds of things.
...found alternating from the Salamba Sarvangasana 2, with hands interlocked, between
halasana, karnapidasana, variations of these deep forward bends, then same arms
swing over to setu bandha sarvangasana, parsva s.. and eka pada setu bandha s... for the backbends, is really strengthening use of jalandara bandha.
thereafter up into full urdhva dhanurasana.
If only I knew what any of that meant!