There's an internal 3 speed disc hubs out there too, was very tempted to get it but realised it would be useless as I'll change it for the 11 speeds anytime soon.
trouble was, I could've got it back in July and the 11 speeds hubs is reported to be here by Feb...
Anyhow, 3 speed derailleur is much lighter than a 3 speeds internal hubs, lighter by 400g.
There's an internal 3 speed disc hubs out there too, was very tempted to get it but realised it would be useless as I'll change it for the 11 speeds anytime soon.
trouble was, I could've got it back in July and the 11 speeds hubs is reported to be here by Feb...
Anyhow, 3 speed derailleur is much lighter than a 3 speeds internal hubs, lighter by 400g.