It's an open forum. If you put something up whether it be in here or a bike in The Current Projects, expect opinions....
Have you checked my posts in The House Music Thread? You might like some, yet again some may be a bit wank....
Get over it
The world is an open forum. Doesn't mean I go up to people in the street and say "You've got shit hair".
Just because on the internet one can hide behind a veil of anonymity, does not also mean you HAVE to be a rude cock to everyone. People like you ruin it for everyone else. See YouTube as an example. Are you a 12 year old american boy?
The world is an open forum. Doesn't mean I go up to people in the street and say "You've got shit hair".
Just because on the internet one can hide behind a veil of anonymity, does not also mean you HAVE to be a rude cock to everyone. People like you ruin it for everyone else. See YouTube as an example. Are you a 12 year old american boy?