If it were me I'd get a OTP with a frame I liked, that fitted well, and was worth uprading parts around.
There's just too many varibles to know what you want striaght off.
As someone who has never really mtn biked before I am starting to think along the same lines. In fact, I'm wondering if the best value for money, most fun/versatile intro to mtn biking would an otp hardtail, geared, disc braked, aluminium framed bike. Much as I like the idea/look of a steel, SS, fully rigid bike, I just think I risk limiting myself unnecessarily. Also, I don't find speed entirely independent from fun, so if I feel a bike is causing me to slow up because of its limitations I find it frustrating. Plus something like a SS Inbred would cost about the same anyway.
As someone who has never really mtn biked before I am starting to think along the same lines. In fact, I'm wondering if the best value for money, most fun/versatile intro to mtn biking would an otp hardtail, geared, disc braked, aluminium framed bike. Much as I like the idea/look of a steel, SS, fully rigid bike, I just think I risk limiting myself unnecessarily. Also, I don't find speed entirely independent from fun, so if I feel a bike is causing me to slow up because of its limitations I find it frustrating. Plus something like a SS Inbred would cost about the same anyway.