Welcome to the Ladies Polo thread. This is where the ladies can organise Ladies nights, discuss potential projects, or anything else polo related.
We don't play on regular nights, so do keep checking the latest posts to see what's planned. If you have any questions, throw them out there, we are all super friendly and just want more girls on the court.
We also have a Facebook page which we'll keep up to date, so be sure to like us and let us know if you wanna join us as a member.
Welcome to the Ladies Polo thread. This is where the ladies can organise Ladies nights, discuss potential projects, or anything else polo related.
We don't play on regular nights, so do keep checking the latest posts to see what's planned. If you have any questions, throw them out there, we are all super friendly and just want more girls on the court.
We also have a Facebook page which we'll keep up to date, so be sure to like us and let us know if you wanna join us as a member.
Here are the most common polo court locations:
Mitcheson N1 (Mitch) - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=214576040103207544163.00049dd1dfe63ce6b884b&ll=51.545227,-0.085723&spn=0.002936,0.008272&z=17
Downham N1 - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=214576040103207544163.00049dd1dc47713df428d&ll=51.539929,-0.084232&spn=0.002936,0.008272&z=17
Newington Gardens SE1 (Newt) - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=214576040103207544163.0004960946b7e1c2261c0&z=19
Hackney Downs E8 (Downs) - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=214576040103207544163.00049e46cf012186a766c&z=19