Agree completely with Shwaz . I avoid using the word safe with people i teach. Using 'low Risk' is more neutral while 'safe' implies danger. And yes chainwhip ,teaching people how to minimise risk by training them in a positive encouraging manner will not only help them ride efficiently and confidently it will also brng then enjoyment and they'll want to ride more. So less likely to crash *and *nore likely to cycle. ftw "More trips more safely more often" as the mantra goes
Managing drivers expectations will go a long way to minimising conflict. Some people do lash-out out of fear when expectations don't get met.
'Safety in numbers' is a lazy yet useful shortcut way to comminicate the possibility that when people get exposed to something initially scary then get used to it, accept it as normal.
Agree completely with Shwaz . I avoid using the word safe with people i teach. Using 'low Risk' is more neutral while 'safe' implies danger. And yes chainwhip ,teaching people how to minimise risk by training them in a positive encouraging manner will not only help them ride efficiently and confidently it will also brng then enjoyment and they'll want to ride more. So less likely to crash *and *nore likely to cycle. ftw "More trips more safely more often" as the mantra goes
Managing drivers expectations will go a long way to minimising conflict. Some people do lash-out out of fear when expectations don't get met.
'Safety in numbers' is a lazy yet useful shortcut way to comminicate the possibility that when people get exposed to something initially scary then get used to it, accept it as normal.