Where I said 'i tell trainees... to consider what makes them safe first and foremost' this is broadly correct. I do tend to fall into the trap of using the language 'think about what makes you safe'. But actually, what I try to drill myself to say to adults in particular (and children as they become more mature) is that they should think about what behaviour minimises risk most effectively. Conceptualising road use in terms of minimising risk makes much more sense of the reality of the situation than 'being safe'. Indeed, in the case of this particular discussion, I think the notion of minimising risk rather than 'keeping safe' is crucial.
When local authorities were charged, some years back, with reducing absolute numbers of accidents involving cyclists, the reponse in some cases was to keep people 'safe' by keeping them from cycling (no cyclists = no accidents involving cyclists).
So I'll be more careful with my language in future, with trainees and in my posts.
One correction to my own post, #38.
Where I said 'i tell trainees... to consider what makes them safe first and foremost' this is broadly correct. I do tend to fall into the trap of using the language 'think about what makes you safe'. But actually, what I try to drill myself to say to adults in particular (and children as they become more mature) is that they should think about what behaviour minimises risk most effectively. Conceptualising road use in terms of minimising risk makes much more sense of the reality of the situation than 'being safe'. Indeed, in the case of this particular discussion, I think the notion of minimising risk rather than 'keeping safe' is crucial.
When local authorities were charged, some years back, with reducing absolute numbers of accidents involving cyclists, the reponse in some cases was to keep people 'safe' by keeping them from cycling (no cyclists = no accidents involving cyclists).
So I'll be more careful with my language in future, with trainees and in my posts.