Off the Walking Dead topic but still on the comic one have any of you read Crossed by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows?
Not strictly speaking zombies (but you could argue 28 days etc aren't zombies) but there is a similar theme.
The story is really brutal and affected me in a way a comic has never really done before. I really enjoyed it. A bit like Walkign Dead mixed with 'The Road'.
Off the Walking Dead topic but still on the comic one have any of you read Crossed by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows?
Not strictly speaking zombies (but you could argue 28 days etc aren't zombies) but there is a similar theme.
The story is really brutal and affected me in a way a comic has never really done before. I really enjoyed it. A bit like Walkign Dead mixed with 'The Road'.