Yesterday evening around 6:10 I was cycling off to the football on my hack bike with my Lycra covered by jeans and a sweatshirt (for some reason Lycra does not feel appropriate for football). I was on Farringdon Road, stopped at the traffic lights where the Hipster Highway intercepts it when all of a sudden I saw London's most famous (now that Will and Nhatt have retired) courier, Maxwell Crowe darting across. Still unable to believe my luck at such an auspicious spotting a looked up again and saw, just a few riders behind, the incredible Digger riding in the same easterly direction. I was too awestruck to shout a "hello". A good omen nonetheless. Chelsea won.
This is so lovely it seems churlish to say it wasn't me, at 18.10 hours yesterday I was doctoring bikes on Kennington triangle.
This is so lovely it seems churlish to say it wasn't me, at 18.10 hours yesterday I was doctoring bikes on Kennington triangle.