• I think the "housing" thing is likely to be dropped as polo grows, it's just not particularly feasible (especially for smaller scenes). People will stay on existing friend's floors anyway and Pique made a good point the other day about the extra comfort of a hostel/hotel being good for your game/recovery during the tourney?! (Sleeping is cheating.)

    It's often worth asking hostels (or similar) if they will do a deal on a booking for X number of people though, they normally bring the price per person per night down dramatically. You'd then just pass the contact details on to the players and they can use a promo code (or similar) to book at the reduced rate.

    I think it's more important for people to be able to book travel well in advance, have access to cheap food/drink, etc. Housing players is a massive pain to organise, although Geneva's bunker solution was pretty cool.

    Iain's saying that you need to organise the "selection/bidding" process as you held last year's tournament. You should chase the countries, decide on a deadline, etc?
