• #2
Gabes? Em?
• #3
John MA3K was looking, pm him?
• #4
I hope to still get in a few of our games at the end of the league after surgery but at this point it's not looking likely. I'm also on new drugs which make me feel pretty invincible so who knows, maybe this will turn out to be my secret polo weapon!
• #5
yo dudes, guapo i don't think i've played with you yet but i played with jack on wednesday at newington...
i'm from seattle and i'm in town through the end of the month, I'm happy to sub for Roxy for a few games if you still need someone.
I will be at Downham tomorrow, playin all day, if you wanna come for the pickup and see how I roll, do that... and let me know asap if you wanna get some of your league games done before I leave eh?! cause I might get outta town for a few days if I don't have anything better to do.
• #6
don't trust her aram, she shuffles like a goonie
• #7
And still you gave her your keys??? :)
don't trust her aram, she shuffles like a goonie
• #8
whatever dude i spank and swaffle all day long
• #9
i never gave her my keys ben, max got the dates wrong, although now i hear she's a swaffler..
• #10
...and now you're all curious and shit ;P
Roxy's down for the count, due to defective knees. Jack & I need a sub/ long term team member asap! Anyone interested, PM me!