Saw a great bit of bad locking the other day but unfortunately no camera...
Someone had d locked their bike to a railing. Except instead of putting it around the bike/wheels, the d lock was still in it's slot on holder, just turned sideways. It's like they thought, why bother removing the d lock from this convenient slot in holder, I can just leave it in here for absolutely no bike security and 5 seconds of time saved.....
Saw a great bit of bad locking the other day but unfortunately no camera...
Someone had d locked their bike to a railing. Except instead of putting it around the bike/wheels, the d lock was still in it's slot on holder, just turned sideways. It's like they thought, why bother removing the d lock from this convenient slot in holder, I can just leave it in here for absolutely no bike security and 5 seconds of time saved.....