We will be calling for a charge of corporate manslaughter against Putz's employers, Thames Materials Ltd. The managers and directors of that company should have known about Putz's record and drink problem, they should not have employed him. If they did not know about him they are equally culpable for their negligence.
Great to hear this Charlie - as far as Thames Materials are concerned the law has done them a favour by incarcerating a liability in the form of Putz. But there should have been reference checks et al and so the fact that they employed this man says to me they should also be liable. I hope they get sued till they go bust. It's only when company directors start to worry about their bottom line that HGVs and cyclist safety will be taken seriously by these firms.
Great to hear this Charlie - as far as Thames Materials are concerned the law has done them a favour by incarcerating a liability in the form of Putz. But there should have been reference checks et al and so the fact that they employed this man says to me they should also be liable. I hope they get sued till they go bust. It's only when company directors start to worry about their bottom line that HGVs and cyclist safety will be taken seriously by these firms.